Jordan and Luke Lintz teamed up with digital media creator Trent Huss to create HighKey Agency, a press and influencer marketing agency focused on building brand image and growing audiences for aspiring influencers and entrepreneurs.

Celebrity Success Stories

HighKey Agency has an illustrious list of elite clients that they have helped grow from the ground up. Owner of Nutritional Solutions Chris Cavallini, and real estate moguls Ricky Carruth, and Clayton Morris are examples of influencers the marketing agency has helped skyrocket on social media.

HighKey boasts a wide selection of Instagram services including content strategy, posting management, and content creation. The company also has a wide range of press services and packages. Some of these packages include dedicated articles on platforms like Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and so many more. One of the biggest success factors is their giveaways.

The majority of the agency’s clients are personal brands or influencers.

“A personal brand if not already, will become the most valuable asset of any business owner. It’s the best way to grow a sizable audience and brand, which you can then refer over to your business. Never in history has it been easier to refer to yourself business,” says Luke.

Influencer Marketing Success and Struggles

The biggest challenge when starting up an influencer marketing agency is the barrier to entry is very low, unlike other industries where the barrier to entry is extremely high. Anybody can create a quick site explaining how they are a “social media guru,” which is why the Lintz Brother has invested heavily in their own services.

“It was definitely hard in the beginning, but now our services can speak for themselves. We have extremely happy clients because we always over-deliver,” says Luke.

HighKey Agency takes every failure as a lesson.

“Failures are a part of growth and success won’t come without failures,” says Luke. “The important part is how quick are we able to fix the failures so we don’t have the same failure happen twice.”

HighKey’s biggest success over the years has been their ability to find talent and build a strong team.

“I have always been able to figure out the strengths in people quickly,” says Luke. “Over the years have had to do very little firing because the people that make up our agency have an unbelievable work ethic.” 

The partners of HighKey Agency have a communal vision for the company. They have revenue goals, management goals, individual staff goals, and weekly goals.

“The people who have believed in HighKey from the beginning will be forever rewarded down the road. I want to make sure that each of my employees reach their goals personally and financially, because I truly care about each and every one of them,” says Luke.

Creating a Winning Culture

While the young company has reached great heights, they credit their team culture as their gas pedal past the finish line. CMO and co-founder Jordan, 23, believes age is no obstacle to achieving success.

“Age doesn’t matter, results do,” says Jordan. “It’s social media, and business owners today should be looking for 20 year olds to run their social accounts.”

The business partners diligently recruit their team, searching for young and hungry professionals that match their age and vision. Luke tries to figure out what drives each potential employee and hopes they can align with the company vision.

“I’ve never been more proud of anything than the team members that are a part of HighKey,” Luke says. “My team is able to take criticism, work on personal development, and shares similar core values.”